Monday, October 31, 2011


"The faculty of the mind by which it retains the knowledge of previous thoughts, impressions, or events " - this is what the "www" has to say about Memories... and my thoughts rambled! By virtue of the life that i have lived till now,i beg to differ...i dont buy that explanation.
Memories are not only the crumbled pieces of life that we have lived...its more about the remnants of life - the passion,the desire,the love,the faith,the occurances,nuances and much,much more that you have left behind to live the present.or may be to barge into the future (?!) . Some call it  " The Past",i call it memories - memories of the past...
My understanding is - the brain only perceive those happenings of the past which has an emotional tinge to it,as memories.Memories,therefore,can be good or bad. Good memories are those which still manages to draw a curve in ur face no matter how distant it might be and bad?? well we all know a thing or two about it as well. :D aint it??
After a long time of self-imposed restriction on writing,i once again took to it and that Did bring back the memories.. u might ask "of what"?here's my answer - "lets save this for another day"...
"Hasta la Vista"... ;)

1 comment:

  1. Memories... it works in strange ways. changes over time, makes you retain only the parts you want to retain.. be it good! be it bad!
